On the afternoon of March 16, Corporation President
Tian Yi Wang attended the tree-planting activity in the International
Information Park despite the strong wind of force 6 to 7. President
Wang planted the first tree in the Park as the prelude of the planting
program, and he was accompanied by Qun Liu, Corporation vice president
and vice executive director of the International Information Park, Zhi
Wei Niu, the Corporation vice president and other directors in the Corporation.
With flapping colored flags, the tree-planting site saw the large
slogans saying, "Plant trees for gardening the International
Information Park" and "Beautify the environment for constructing
an International High Tech Park". Digging with spades, planting
and watering trees, the participants were enthusiastic and 55 Chinese
scholartrees were planted in less than one hour.
At the summing-up meeting of this activity, the participants believe
that along with the construction and operation of one after another
modern factories, along with the growth of one after another trees,
the dreams planted by everyone today will come to be true in the near
future. The International Information Park will grow rapidly as those
lively small trees so that the great blueprint of "one major
field with multiple interactive Parks" will be realized. The
participants also include the board directors, supervisors, directors
of all administrative departments and the specialized companies under
the Corporation, with a total number of more than 50 people.
The tree-planting activity initiated the gardening program of the
Park. From April, the Park will start the construction of the Park
roads, the 20-meter wide green belt along Dingsi Road and the 40-meter
wide green belt under the high-tension lines in the south and the
north of the Park. The construction work is planned to complete in
this June. By then, a gardening Park will be presented with both the
style of Su Zhou gardening and the style of modern atmosphere.