The "US-China Economic Summit Banquet" was
held in the State-Guest Entrepreneurs' Club in the evening of April 8.
Distinguished Guests present at this banquet included: former US MOC
Minister & Trade Representative Mickey Kantor, former Deputy Chief
U.S. Trade Negotiator for China and Hong Kong Deborah Lehr, SK (China)
president Xie Cheng, Accenture (China) vice president Wang Bo, Microsoft
(China) market supervisor Martin Wu and Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers
Michael Harris, etc.
In a hope to provide valuable information and guidance to the Fortune
500 companies, this banquet provided guests with a communication platform
in a comfortable atmosphere to discuss various trade issues between
US and China after China's accession to WTO, which had won effusive
praise from all the participants.
The absolute success of this high-level "US-China Economic Summit
Banquet" had improved the reputation of the State-Guest Entrepreneurs' Club, which undoubtedly would promote the development of State-Guest Entrepreneurs' Club.